Sunday, January 13, 2013

Where Am I? Where Am I? Oh, Finally the Holidays Are Over!

Well, the answer to my question, posed in the November, is "not too well."

The holidays are over--finally--and I'm hoping to salvage some of my resolve to return to my healthy eating habits, but I have to say it will not be easy.

I've been writing about my thoughts on the brain's role in overeating in my blog Brain Chemistry Chronicles.  The holidays are stressful, and the social controls are loosened; together that makes a potent force against staying on track.

Now all the bad habits are back and have to be resisted once again. Ugh!

But this time, I'm going to be saying to myself: it's just brain chemistry! It's not real! There's no reason to respond to that stimulus!

We'll see if it works!

Next time . . .